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Benefits of Information Technology to Learn English

In addition to enabling communication without boundaries of space and time, interactive technologies can also be utilized to include interactive learning. Learning this way is a media-rich learning, information-rich, and rich communication. Using interactive technology, humans can learn from the material presented in multimedia format. In technology-based interactive learning, learning becomes more interesting because it is enriched with sounds, images, moving images, and the level of interactivity with the media (eg: click, mouseover). However, a more mainstream is to use technology to allow interaction with instructors, fellow students, and other learning resources outside the boundary of space (in other companies, other countries, other continents, and in other industries) to learning and learning becomes more meaningful experience with better results. Surveys in the field of English language learning show that learning in the classroom with a good quality teachers, which is enriched with interactive technology-based learning can significantly reduce learning time. Thus, an interactive technology-based learning with the same quality of teachers to 40 percent to 60 percent faster than learning in the classroom without the aid of any media.

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