Rumah aman gempa

kompetisi RUMAH AMAN GEMPA UNTUK INDONESIA adalah sebuah organisasi non profit yang membantu saudara saudara kita di seluruh tanah air terutama yang mengalami musibah gempa.
Kami mengadakan sebuah kompetisi yang bertujuan untuk memasyarakatkan pembangunan rumah yang aman dari gempa. Kegiatan ini murni kegiatan amal, sehingga kami sangat membutuhkan uluran tangan teman teman sekalian untuk mensukseskan acara ini.
Kompetisi ini diperuntukkan bagi para jurnalis, blogger, maupun masyarakat umum.
Tema Khusus
1. Rumah aman gempa sebagai ikhtiar menyelamatkan nyawa dan harta
2. Perlunya konsep rumah aman gempa di Indonesia
3. Apa dan bagaimana rumah aman gempa?
4. Kearifan lokal masyarakat tradisional dalam menciptakan rumah aman gempa
5. Memasyarakatkan rumah aman gempa di Indonesia

TOTAL HADIAH Rp. 17 juta
Hadiah disediakan untuk 1 orang dengan karya terbaik pada setiap kategori.
• Juara kategori Media Online : Rp 3.000.000
• Juara kategori Televisi : Rp 5.000.000
• Juara kategori Print Media : Rp 3.000.000
• Juara kategori Radio : Rp 3.000.000
• Juara kategori Multimedia Nonformal (Facebook-YouTube): Rp 3.000.000

1. Lomba dibuka untuk karya audio, audio visual, tulis, dan foto yang terbit sejak 30 Agustus-15 Oktober 2010.
2. Karya berbahasa asing wajib menyertakan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia.
3. Peserta wajib mengirimkan kliping karya untuk jurnalis, URL situs untuk kategori umum/blogger, atau CD/DVD untuk media radio dan televisi
4. Peserta wajib menyertakan formulir CV yang disediakan oleh panitia.
5. Peserta wajib menyertakan kartu pers (bagi jurnalis) atau identitas lainnya (bagi masyarakat umum/blogger).
6. Tidak ada pembedaan kategori peserta, antara jurnalis dan masyarakat umum/blogger.
7. Karya yang dikirimkan sudah dipublikasikan di media cetak, online, televisi, radio, dan khusus untuk kategori Multimedia Nonformal di media alternatif (blog, facebook, youtube dll) pada periode Januari - 10 Oktober 2010.
8. Peserta kompetisi dapat mengirimkan maksimum 3 (tiga) judul karya
9. Lomba ini tidak diperuntukkan bagi panitia

Peserta wajib mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang telah disediakan panitia dan melampirkan karya dalam bentuk kliping (media cetak dan online) atau CD/DVD (media radio dan televisi) ke:

KOJI Communications
Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo 1A, Komplek BIER Menteng Dalam,
Jakarta Selatan
Telp (021) 8370 2660
atau melalui email

* Mencantumkan kategori kompetisi pada pojok kiri atas amplop/pada judul email
* Batas akhir penerimaan karya selambat-lambatnya 15 Oktober 2010
* Pengumuman pemenang akan disebarluaskan melalui rilis media dan milis


1. Penjurian akan dilakukan secara sportif, obyektif, transparan, dan professional.
2. Seluruh karya yang masuk akan dinilai berdasarkan: kesesuaian tema, kelengkapan informasi, teknis penyajian, dan sudah pernah dipublikasikan.
3. Keputusan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Untuk formulr, silahkan buka link berikut:

Untuk info lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi :hxxp://

Kalau tidak sempat mengikuti kompetisi ini, anda bisa juga mensuport pemasyarakatan rumah aman gempa dengan cara memasang banner rumah aman gempa di website/blog anda dengan mengunjuangi halaman berikut:

Characteristics of Media in Multimedia Learning

As one component of learning systems, selection and use of multimedia learning should pay attention to the characteristics of other components, such as: objectives, materials, strategies and evaluation of learning.
Characteristics of multimedia learning are:
1. Having more than one media convergence, for example combine audio and visual elements.
2. Interactively, in the sense of having the ability to accommodate a user response.
3. Is independent, in the sense of giving the ease and completeness of the contents so that users can use without the guidance of another Oran.
In addition to meeting all three of these characteristics, a multimedia learning should fulfill the following functions:
1. Able to strengthen the user response as soon as possible and as often as possible.
2. Able to provide the opportunity for students to control their own learning speeds.
3. Noting that the students follow a coherent order and control.
4. Capable of providing the opportunity of participation of users in the form of response, either answer, election, decision, trial and others.

Benefits of Information Technology to Learn English

In addition to enabling communication without boundaries of space and time, interactive technologies can also be utilized to include interactive learning. Learning this way is a media-rich learning, information-rich, and rich communication. Using interactive technology, humans can learn from the material presented in multimedia format. In technology-based interactive learning, learning becomes more interesting because it is enriched with sounds, images, moving images, and the level of interactivity with the media (eg: click, mouseover). However, a more mainstream is to use technology to allow interaction with instructors, fellow students, and other learning resources outside the boundary of space (in other companies, other countries, other continents, and in other industries) to learning and learning becomes more meaningful experience with better results. Surveys in the field of English language learning show that learning in the classroom with a good quality teachers, which is enriched with interactive technology-based learning can significantly reduce learning time. Thus, an interactive technology-based learning with the same quality of teachers to 40 percent to 60 percent faster than learning in the classroom without the aid of any media.


When this computer is no longer a luxury item, this tool has been used in
various fields of work such as on education. At first
computers used in schools as a support for the smooth work area
administration by using the software Microsoft word, excel and access.
With the introduction of Information Technology and Communication materials in the new curriculum,
the role of computers as one of the main components of ICT has
a very important position as one of learning media.
Excerpts from the Curriculum for Information Technology and Subject
· Subjects Vision of Information Communication Technology is so that students can and
accustomed to using Information and Communication Technology tools appropriately
and optimized to obtain and process information in learning activities,
work, and other activities so that students are able to create, develop
imaginative attitudes, develop self-exploration capabilities, and easy
adapt to new developments in their environment
· Subjects Through Information and Communication Technology students can be expected
involved in rapid changes in life experience and the addition of
changes in the use of various information and communication technology products.
Students use Information and Communication Technology tools for searching,
explore, analyze, and exchange information efficiently and effectively.
Using Information and Communication Technology, students will be with
quickly get ideas and experiences from various walks of life. Increase
student ability because the use of Information and Communication Technology will
develop an attitude of initiative and ability to learn independently, so students
and consider themselves can decide when and where the use of
Information and communications technology appropriately and optimally, including what
implications of current and future.
· Technology Information and Communications Technology (ICT) includes two aspects, namely Technology
Information and Communication Technology. Information Technology, covering all matters
related to the processing, use as a tool, manipulation, and management
information. Communication technology is all things relating to the
the use of tools to process and transfer data from devices
one to another. Therefore, Information Technology and Communication Technology is
a counterpart of an integral containing the broad sense of
any activity related to the processing, manipulation, management, and
transfer / transfer of information between the media.
"By specifically, the purpose of studying Information and Communication Technology are:
1. Students will realize the potential of information technology development and
communication that is changing so that students can be motivated to
evaluate and study the Information Technology and Communication as
foundation for lifelong learning.
2. Motivating the students' ability to adapt and anticipate
development of Information and Communication Technology, so students can
implement and live everyday life activities
independently and
more confident.
3. Develop students' competency in using Information Technology
and Communications to support learning activities, work, and various
activities in everyday life.
4. Develop skills and Information Technology-based learning
Communication, so that the learning process can be optimized, interesting and
encourage students' skills in communicating, skilled at organizing
information, and accustomed to working.
5. Developing self-learning ability, initiative, innovative, creative and
responsible for the use of Information and Communication Technology
for learning, work, and solving everyday problems.
By looking at the contents of the curriculum, we need to integrate ICT in
teaching and learning process in the madrasas are not just for technology subjects and
information only.
Looking at the current condition of ICT and its development in the future, we must
prepare for and conduct planning in
implementing ICT in the madrasa. If we do not start now then
madrasas as one of the educational institutions other than schools that are under
MONE will be missed by other schools. If this happens, our efforts will be increasingly
hard to align the madrassas with other schools. On the one hand, we're
trying to catch up in subjects especially Mathematics and Language
England, on the other side of ICT will make us further and further behind.
Observing Program conducted ICT development for the National Education Ministry
To keep pace with the usage of ICT in schools from other countries, currently
Ministry of Education has programs in besarbesaran ICT development.
There are three
important positions in the Ministry of Education in ICT development program, namely:
1. The field of vocational education, ICT became one department at SMK. ICT Development
technically both hardware and software included in kurikum education.
Establishment of ICT centers throughout Indonesia. To connect sekolahsekolah
ICT center built around the WAN (Wireless Area Network) City.
2. Pustekkom, as one of the spearheads in developing TVs
interactive education, eLearning
and Esma.
This program aims to
education quality gap narrows between big city with
3. Item (the National Education Network), aims to integrate
The second program above in order to form a network connecting
all schools in Indonesia. Expected in the future so that all schools
in Indonesia to be connected to the Internet.
View held by the Ministry of Education program we can use these facilities
because it is open.
ICT development in Madrasah in Mandiri
We're not too late to prepare ourselves in the mastery of ICT as a medium
learning in the madrasa. From this moment on the madrassas and Islamic Majlis must
create an ICT development program overall.
There are several points to make a plan of development of ICT, including:
1. Uniting the vision and mission of the ICT development to be achieved between the Head
school, madrasah teachers and majlis.
2. Formation Technology Committee (Organisation Labkom) independent
3. Identify the infrastructure of institutions, both hardware, software and systems
and networks that already possessed
4. Determination of hardware and software to be used or developed.
5. Identify human resources
6. Determine the shape of the mastery of ICT training for both teachers and other staff.
7. The existence of a clear time schedule for achieving program
8. Determination of the necessary investments on a regular basis each year
9. Identify software development and new curriculum
10. Entered into a revised plan be adjusted to developments occur.
With careful planning, we can develop gradually in ICT
madrasas in order not lagging behind other schools. Haru made programs implemented
sustainable despite the turn of the head and majilis madrasa.
As the usage of ICT Instructional Media
ICT is not a stand-alone technology, but it is a combination of
hardware and software.Ada important things that must be considered in using
ICT as a medium of learning that is hardware and software that is available and the types of
learning method that will be used.
Some of the usage of ICT in learning including:
1. Presentation
Presentation is a long way already in use, by using
OHP or chart. Equipment used today typically use
a computer / laptop and LCD projector. There are several advantages if we
utilizing ICT among others, we can show animation and film,
so it looks more attractive and easier for students to
we are trying to capture the material. The most widely used software
for presentations is Microsoft PowerPoint.
There are several things that must be considered in making the presentation materials,
among others:
a. Not too many posts to be displayed.
b. Posts do not be too small because it must be seen by many students.
c. Expand insert images and animations
d. Try to form an interactive presentation.
2. Demonstration
Demonstrations are usually used to display an activity in front of
classes, such as experiments.
We can make a movie caracara
do an activity such as way
perform measurements with a micrometer is right or take part
important activity. So in this way can we direct the students to
proper conduct or draw conclusions from events
Another way is to use the Internet media, we can show animation
associated with the material we teach (although not all
available). As an example to show the direction of vector cross multiplication
we can access the internet with the address
RightHandRule / RightHandRule.html
As shown in the figure below;
Animation direction vector
3. Virtual Experiment
The purpose of the experiment here is a virtual laboratory activities
moved in front of the computer. Children can do some experiments
virtual experiments using software such as Crocodile Clips.
This software can be downloaded at http://www.crocodileclips.
com/s3_1.jsp, but
we must register first to get the active code that is valid for one
months. Views Crocodile clips as shown in the picture below.
making electrical circuits
This method can be used if we do not have a science laboratory
complete or used before performing the actual experiments.
4. Virtual classroom
The purpose here is a virtual classroom students web-based self-learning,
for example, using Moodle.
In this virtual classroom students will get the material, assignments and tests online.
We as teachers obtain facilities for examining and assessing tasks
students' exam results. Especially the results of the exam students will be assessed automatically.
online materials
Forms a given task
Forms test
students' test results obtained
In fact many other forms of usage of ICT can be used for
assist students in teaching and learning. But it all depends
tells us how to use them.

purpose and benefits of english in IT

The aim is to study the English language as the stock when we will all walk in the life of globalization.
Everyone is obliged to wrestle in the world of globalization if it wants to grow and not running in place, so I think mastering the English language is a good lunch.
Benefits of studying English was not too far from the goal, just as a benefit of course this means more specific. By mastering the English language one can communicate more, so his insights in information technology alone will be more open and with it an IT definitely has a big capital to move in a world where technological progress is always moving forward.

Barong Dance

oil on canvas (70x90)

Third conditional


If + past perfect + would have + past participle

Functions and examples

We use the third conditional to imagine a different past.

If I had done my homework, my teacher wouldn't have shouted at me.
-- In reality, I didn't do my homework, and my teacher shouted at me. So we are imagining a different past

She would have passed her exam if she had studied more.
-- In reality she didn't study enough, and so she didn't pass her exam. So we are imagining a different past

Important points

1. We can use other modal verbs in place of 'would'.

If they'd come earlier, they could have got a seat.
-- In reality, they didn't come early, and they didn't get a seat. In our different past, there was a possibility of a seat

2. Mixed conditional: if + past perfect + would + bare infinitive
Sometimes we want to say that the result of an action is now.

If it hadn't rained, I would have gone to the beach.
-- In reality, it rained in the past, and I didn't go to the beach in the past

If it hadn't rained, I would be at the beach / would be sitting on the beach.
-- In reality, it rained in the past, and I am not at the beach now. This is a mixed conditional

Conditional Sentences

There are three types of conditional sentences. But now, I will tell you only types of conditional sentence first.

1. Expressing Possibilities

If + simple Present, S + Will

The pattern above is used when you think about a real possibility in the present and future.


¨ If you know the function of these buttons, you will certainly understand how to use them

¨ If I have time, I will learn how to browse on the internet

2. Expressing Imaginary Situation

If + simple Past, S + Would

When what you say is unreal (never happens now nor in the future) you use past tense


¨ If I used the internet chat, I would get some e-friends

(It means you don’t use the internet chat)

¨ If I were a rich man, I would build a cozy house

(It means you are not rich)


Were is used for both singular and plural subjects


If Agung were a wise man, he would be a good leader

If you were an artist, you would be a famous person

See also: Third conditional

My Work Place

I work at Guwang Art Market. I have been working there for 10 months. I sell paintings there. I work with my brother. I sell many kinds of paintings there

Guwang Art Market is located on Guwang Village in Sukawati district. The distance is not so far from Denpasar. It’s about 20 minutes if you ride a motorbike.

I work every day there. I work from 08.00AM until 05.00PM on Monday until Friday and 08.00AM until 06.00PM on Saturday until Sunday.

The kinds of paintings that I sell such as abstract, decorative, realist, traditional paintings and est. This month the visitors are quite, but in month July, November and December there are a lot of visitors.

If you come to Guwang art Market. Please, come by to my work place.

English grammar / Future perfect


I will have done
You will have done
He/she/it will have done
We will have done
You will have done (plural)
They will have done

I will not have done
You will not have done
He/she/it will not have done
We will not have done
You will not have done
They will not have done

Will I have done?
Will you have done?
Will he/she/it have done?
Will we have done?
Will you have done?
Will they have done?

Functions and examples

1. We use the future perfect to say that an action or event will be complete at a specific time in the future.

I will have finished my project by the weekend. (by = not later than)
This time next year I will have graduated.

2. We use the future perfect to predict the present.

Don't bother going to see him, he'll have left.

English grammar / Future continuous


I will be doing
You will be doing
He/she/it will be doing
We will be doing
You will be doing (plural)
They will be doing

I will not be doing
You will not be doing
He/she will not be doing
We will not be doing
You will not be doing
They will not be doing

Will I be doing?
Will you be doing?
Will he/she/it be doing?
Will we be doing?
Will you be doing?
Will they be doing?

Functions and examples

1. We use the future continuous to say that an action will be in progress at a specific time in the future.

This time on Thursday I'll be flying to Thailand.
In two hours she'll be leaving work.

2. We use the future continuous to predict the present.

Don't call him now, he'll be sleeping.

3. We use the future continuous to make polite enquiries about someone's plans -- without wishing to influence those plans

Will you be watching TV this evening? -- you simply want to know if the TV will be free

See also: Future perfect

English Grammar - Will and Going to

Functions and examples - will

1. We use 'will' to give or ask for information or facts about the future.

Her parents will be here in about an hour.
All her friends will come to her wedding.

2. We use 'will' for plans or decisions made at the time of speaking.

"We need some paper for the photocopier." "Okay, I'll go and get some."
"What would you like to eat?" "I'll have a pizza please."

3. We use 'will' to predict the future.

I think it will rain tomorrow.
Al Pacino will win the award for Best Actor.
Do you think Brazil will win the World Cup?

4. We use 'will' to predict the present.

Don't phone her now, she'll be busy.

5. We use 'will' to offer to do something.

I'll take you to the airport tomorrow.
That suitcase looks heavy, I'll carry it for you.

6. We use 'will' to agree to do something.

Okay, I'll come with you

7. We use 'will' to promise to do something.

I promise I won't tell anyone you broke the window

8. We use 'will' to make requests (or give orders).

Will you open the door for me please?
Will you marry me?
Will you shut up please?

9. We use 'will' to refuse to do something or talk about refusals.

No, I won't cook your dinner, you can cook it yourself.
I've asked him but he won't do it.

Functions and examples - going to

1. We use 'going to' for plans or decisions made before speaking.

Is John coming home soon? - Yes, I'm going to meet him at the airport tomorrow.
I'm going to watch TV in a minute, because my favourite programme is on.

2. We use 'going to' to predict the future based on present evidence.

Look at the sky. It's going to rain soon.
Germany have just scored. England are going to lose again.


I will play
You will play
He/she/it will play
We will play
You will play (pl.)
They will play

I will not play
You will not play
He/she/it will not play
We will not play
You will not play
They will not play

Will I play?
Will you play?
Will he/she/it play?
Will we play?
Will you play?
Will they play?

I am going to play
You are going to play
He/she/it is going to play
We are going to play
You are going to play
They are going to play

I am not going to play
You are not going to play
He/she/it is not going to play
We are not going to play
You are not going to play
They are not going to play

Am I going to play?
Are you going to play?
Is he/she/it going to play?
Are we going to play?
Are you going to play?
Are they going to play?

See also: Future continuous / Future perfect

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